
Occupancy Level

Occupancy level is the percentage of time that a property is rented out. It is a measure of how well a property is performing as an investment. A higher occupancy level indicates that a property is more attractive to tenants, which can lead to higher rental income.

Occupancy level is calculated by taking the total number of days that a property is rented out and dividing it by the total number of days in a year. For example, if a property is rented out for 365 days in a year, the occupancy level would be 100%.

Occupancy level is an important metric for property investors because it can help to assess the profitability of a property investment. A higher occupancy level indicates that a property is more profitable, as there is more rental income coming in.

Occupancy level can also be used to compare the profitability of different property investments. A higher occupancy level may indicate that a property investment is more profitable than another property investment.