Valuation movement is the change in the market value of a property over time. This can be caused by a number of factors, such as changes in interest rates, economic conditions, or the supply and demand for property in a particular area.
The valuation movement of a property can be tracked using a variety of data sources, such as the CoreLogic Daily Home Value Index. This index measures daily movements in the value of Australian housing markets, and can be used to identify areas where property values are rising or falling.
Valuation movement is an important factor to consider when making property investment decisions. By understanding how property values are moving in a particular area, you can make informed decisions about when to buy or sell property.
Here are some examples of how valuation movement can be used in property research:
- A buyer can use valuation movement to identify areas where property values are rising, and buy property in those areas before the prices go up even further.
- A seller can use valuation movement to identify areas where property values are falling, and sell property in those areas before the prices go down even further.
- An investor can use valuation movement to assess the potential returns on an investment property. For example, if property values in an area are rising, the investor can expect to make a profit on their investment if they sell the property in the future.