
Core Property reviews the Growthpoint Canberra Office Trust

Core Property reviews the Growthpoint Canberra Office Trust

Core Property has reviewed the Growthpoint Canberra Office Trust, an unlisted property fund that will invest in a commercial office property in Canberra, ACT.

The Fund is managed by the funds management operations of Growthpoint Properties Australia (ASX: GOZ), an ASX-listed fund manager with $6.0 billion of assets under management. 

  • The Fund invests in 2 Constitution Avenue, Civic ACT, a commercial office building that is 95.6% occupied with 88% of income sourced from government backed tenancies.
  • The Manager is targeting average distributions of 9.0% p.a. over 5-years.
  • The Fund is seeking to raise $54.05M through the issue of 54.05M units at an issue price of $1.00 per unit to support the acquisition of the Property. The Offer is available to Wholesale investors with a minimum investment of $100,000. The Offer has a closing date of 18 October 2024.

Core Property has rated the Fund as RECOMMENDED.