
Core Property reviews the GEMI First Mortgage Fund

Core Property reviews the GEMI First Mortgage Fund


Core Property has reviewed the GEMI First Mortgage Fund, an unlisted wholesale fund that invests in a portfolio of property-backed loans, secured by first-ranked mortgages in Australia and New Zealand.

The Manager, Gemi Investments, is part of the Gemi Group, a Sydney based private investment firm that has been facilitating mortgage-backed investments for over 20 years.

  • The Manager is targeting distributions of 8.0% p.a. (paid monthly), which the Fund has paid since it was established in November 2021.
  • The principals of Gemi have invested $5M of capital in Manager Units, which provide a first loss position on any capital losses as well as support the target distributions.
  • The Fund only invests in first ranked mortgages, and follows the Gemi Fund (with first and second ranked mortgages), which has maintained a 100% preservation of investor capital.

Core Property has rated the Fund as RECOMMENDED.

The Fund is open to Wholesale and Sophisticated investors only, with a minimum investment of $25,000.